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Tips to build Psychological Safety & Confidence for OKR Achievement

We work with teams to build Psychological Safety through a variety of different means. Many leaders now prioritise Psychological Safety because they recognise it contributes to team performance and successful OKRs.

How to create great Objectives

Having a checklist can sometimes be enough of a prompt for teams when creating objectives at the start of the period. If you need some additional help and would like us to facilitate or would like to use our Miro canvas get in touch. These top 5 tips maybe enough of a springboard to get you going!

How to create great Key Results

We recognise that creating great outcome based Key Results will often take some time. Contact us if you want some coaching or workshops for your teams and in the meantime look at our top 5 tips to help you create some great Key Results.

OKR Retrospectives

OKR Retrospectives are a great opportunity to review outcomes and learnings from the current period.
Here are our tips to help your retrospective go smoothly. If you want us to facilitate this session for you, get in touch and we can run it in person or online.

Team OKR check-ins

These are the lifeblood of OKRs and whilst it takes a little time to get into the rhythm of holding these sessions the benefits are tremendous. Here are some Dos & Don'ts to help you prepare and run the check-ins effectively. If you want to speak with us and have some help - get in touch on our Contact page.

Why OKRs sometimes miss the mark

We know from experience that it can take some time to get used to integrating OKRs into your current ways of working. Here are some of the tops reasons why we have seen organisations struggle with OKRs. If you want some help with either starting or rebooting your OKRs get in touch.

2024 OKR Calendar

Sharing an OKR calendar with your teams can really help with their quarterly and annual planning. Here we have identified key OKR milestones throughout 2024 to help you and your teams execute their OKRs effectively. If you want to talk more or have us run a workshop for you get in touch on our Contact page.

Micro-changes to build Psychological Safety

Everyone is accountable for their part in contributing to a psychologically safe workplace. Here are 5 micro-changes for individuals, teams and leaders to reflect and work on that will make an impact on the psychological safety within the team. Contact us if you are keen to have a more hands-on approach.

6 Steps for Effective Questioning

How can we help ensure we ask the clearest and most effective questions? In our workshops we share a range of different strategies. Here are just 6 of them in this short infographic with before and after examples.

Situation, Behaviour, Impact

One of the feedback models we like to use is SBI - Situation, Behaviour, Impact. We have been asked to share a little more detail about this method of giving feedback. Download this infographic for a bit more detail on what it is and how to apply it. We have included specific examples to make it relevant.

Using the SOLER Model

The SOLER model is a powerful tool for coaches to enhance communication, build trust and create a positive coaching environment. The key is is mindful application - understanding its benefits and limitations ensures adaptability for a range coaching scenarios. Here we briefly explain the elements of SOLER and the benefits and limitations.

How to create a Well-formed Goal

Sometimes, knowing how to phrase your goal can be harder than actually deciding what the goal is! Use this quick 8 step checklist to help you create a truly compelling goal.

Meta-Model Techniques

We are passionate about building psychological safety and having clear an open communication. One way to gain clarity is to use the meta-model language techniques. Here we give some specific examples of how to encourage openness.

How to build Psychological Safety in your training room

Working with new or existing groups it is easy to follow these 6 tips to help encourage and build a culture of psychological safety in your training room.

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